Maximize Your Earnings with NeuralSphere's Referral Program
Your Referral Link
Connect your wallet to receive a referral link
  • Invite friends and earn rewards!
  • Earn up to 30% from their staking rewards and up to 5% from NSPH token purchases!
  • Your referral link tracks each invitation!
  • Cookies are stored for 30 days following the initial click!
Rewards for Staking
Rewards for Token Purchases

No Web3 Wallet?

Please install MetaMask, a reliable and trusted Web3 wallet.

How It Works: Simple Steps to Success

Generate Your Unique Referral Link: Start by connecting your wallet to our platform. Once connected, click on the “Generate My Referral Link” button to receive your unique link immediately.

Share Your Link: With your link in hand, it’s time to spread the word. Share your link through social media, email, direct messages, or even in conversations. The more you share, the greater your potential rewards.

Earn Rewards: Every time someone signs up or makes a purchase through your referral link, you’ll receive rewards directly into your account. It’s that simple!

Your Potential Earnings:

  • Up to 30% from Staking Rewards: Earn a percentage of the staking rewards generated by the users you’ve invited.
  • Up to 5% from Token Purchases: Receive a direct percentage from the NSPH token purchases made by your referrals.

Why Participate?

  • Instant Gratification: Enjoy seeing rewards added to your account immediately after a referral’s action.
  • Passive Earnings: Once your referral link is shared, you can earn rewards without any additional effort.
  • Contribute to Growth: Help us grow our community and the NeuralSphere project by bringing in more enthusiastic members.


Q: How can I track my earnings? A: Log into your account on our platform to view a detailed breakdown of your earnings from referrals in real-time.

Q: Is there a limit to how many people I can invite? A: No, there’s no limit! The more people you invite, the more rewards you can earn.

Q: How long is my referral link valid? A: Your referral link remains valid indefinitely. There’s no expiration date, so you can continue earning from referrals as long as they keep coming.

Q: Can I invite users from different countries? A: Absolutely! NeuralSphere is a global community, and we welcome users from all around the world.